
Ideologies and Upheavals
Concert of Europe
The Concert of Europe was a part of the Quadruple Alliance. It consisted of Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain. All of these countries came together at the Congress of Vienna and discussed certain things such as offering France lenient terms after Napoleon's abdication. In one of these meetings the concept of Conservatism was brought up leading to good things in the eyes of the quadruple alliance, but a threat to liberals and nationalists. This new political ideological force dominated great power.

Prince Klemens von Metternich
Prince Klemens von Metternich was at the heart of conservatism as he was the one who introduced this new concept at the Congress of Vienna. Metternich had a very pessimistic view about human nature. His most clear enemies were liberalism and nationalism. Metternich believed that liberalism was the main reason why there was so much bloodshed and suffering which caused about 25 years of war. He also saw liberalism as very dangerous because it went with aspirations for national independence, and threatened to revolutionize central Europe and destroy the Austrian Empire. Metternich's multiethnic state, had potentially dissatisfied nationalities and undermined political unity. Therefore, he had to oppose liberalism and nationalism if he wanted Austria to remain intact and powerful. On the borders of Austria, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire Metternich's efforts to hold back nationalism and liberalism were echoed and supported.

July Revolution in France
The july revolution was started by Charles X publication of restrictive ordinances contrary to the spirit of the Charter. This revolution was what brought Louis Philippe to the throne. There were any strikes and protests followed by three days of fighting. During the revolution in July, the upper middle class and the bourgeoisie, put a political and social ascendancy that was to create the period known as the July Monarchy. There were many changes when Louis Philippe came to the throne. The chamber was transformed, special tribunals were abolished, the alliance of the monarchy and the Roman Catholic church was ended, and the white flag of the bourbons was replaced by the tricolour.


There was a political view on the determination of peace throughout Europe.Within many countries their leaders of the states were less extensible. Under the leadership of Metternich.1815, Austria, Russia, and Prussia boarded on an expedition against the ideas and politics of the revolution.On September 1815 the Holy Alliance was formed which consisted of Austria, Russia, and Prussia. This alliance became a symbolic representation to conservatism, as it symbolized repression of liberal and revolutionary movements all throughout Europe. The great victorious Metternich and the Alliance continued to battle against Liberal change.

The Revolutions of 1848
During the late 1840's Europe entered a period of severe economic crises and romantic motivation.This revolutionary development began in Italy with a revolution that broke out in Sicily. Subsequently after the revolution in France enthusiasm spread throughout Europe.Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark embodied itself with great reform, but in the capitals there was this democratic insurrection that had occurred. The revolution was most successful in France establishing a second republic. Other countries such as Austria coped with the storm and Prussia picked up the flag that displayed German Unity. Self-determination, a democratic constitution and social reform is what made the desires of the revolution.